This study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of solid waste management among households in Katsina State, Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was used. Seven hundred and twenty (720) respondents were sampled from a population of 3,250,960 households in Katsina State, Nigeria. The respondents were drawn through multistage sampling technique, which consisted of stratified, simple random, and proportionate sampling techniques. A close ended questionnaire was used to obtain responses from the respondents. Seven hundred and eleven (711); copies of questionnaires were returned. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency, percentages, means and standard deviations were used to describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents and to answer the research questions respectively. For the purpose of the study, research hypothesis were tested at 0.05 level of significance using one sample t- test and Pearson product moment correlation (PPMC). The findings of the study revealed that the knowledge, attitude and practice of solid waste management among households in Katsina State were significant,(P=0.000 ). Also significant relationship existed between knowledge and practice of solid waste management among households in Katsina State,(P=0.020<0.620) and significant relationship existed between knowledge and attitude of solid waste management among households in Katsina State,(P=0.010<0.751). On the basis of the findings of the study, it was concluded that households in Katsina State have adequate knowledge of solid waste management and that with this knowledge the attitude and practice correlated with one another. However, it was, recommended that health educators/environmental health officers should organize and facilitate seminars, workshops and conferences that will educate households more on solid waste management. Government should provide trucks, incinerators, wheel barrows and other equipment that can be use to improve waste management practice in Katsina state of Nigeria.
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